Code of ethic

1. Duty of Confidentiality.

Recruiters or recruitment agencies who join the Hire Notes platform must adhere to a strict confidentiality obligation towards the companies that seek their recruitment services. Throughout their work, which may involve interacting with multiple candidates, these recruiters have access to confidential information about the companies, their hiring procedures, and their strategic growth plans. The recruiters must display impeccable ethics and professional behavior, pledging to uphold confidentiality at all times. It is crucial to maintain confidentiality for the sake of both candidates who desire a discreet job search and companies that prefer not to disclose their hiring processes publicly.

2. Right of Representation.

The recruiter or recruitment agency must be expressly authorized to represent the candidate(s) they submit for open positions on the Hiring Notes platform. The recruiter or agency must also inform the candidates about the principle of anonymous CV submission and the implications involved.

3. Duty of Authenticity.

The recruiter or recruitment agency undertakes to provide authentic information during their registration on the Hiring Notes platform. It is strictly prohibited to provide information of a third party or to impersonate another recruiter under penalty of legal action.

4. Qualification and Availability of Submitted Candidates.

The recruiter or recruitment agency commits to verifying the accuracy of the information provided in the candidate's CV (past experiences, education, skills) before submitting them. Also, candidates submitted have to be available immediately. 

The violation of these rules may lead to a permanent ban from the platform as well as legal action.